picture from Sub-Studio Design Blog
I spent all Sunday in the lovely (with sarcasm) Jacob Javits conference hall in NYC at the National Stationery Show. And although my feet still hurt from all that walking, it proved to be a fun, lively and inspirational show as usual. It always amazes me how incredible cool, fun, talented and nice the people are in the Stationery industry. It makes being in the awful Javits Center such a pleasure. Perhaps it is because fine stationery and letterpress is so close to fine art and I have such a great appreciation for contemporary designers and artists. I find this group particularly calm, smart and as I said before just darn cool. I took many business cards and catalogs and was happily inspired by the lovely Erika Firm at Delphine who has a beautiful new collection of monogram stationery and the chic bamboo stationery by Smock Paper and the aways totally cool and fun Susy Jack. It was also such a pleasure to meet the lovely women behind Linda and Harriet at http://www.lindaandharriett.com/- a great line that I'll be carrying soon.
I was especially taken with the Sub-Studio booth. Their line is modern, vintage, fun, chic and unique. I really loved their nursery rhyme prints (don't they remind you of the beginning of a James Bond film)?

And I absolutely love their sealife cards:

They have a very nice blog also. Check it out: http://blog.sub-studio.com/.
Please - I beg you, don't let technology, Iphones, Evites, emails, etc. kill the fine stationery industry! Keep sending beautiful cards and invitations to friends for birthdays, thank yous, celebrations or just to say hello. I get so much junk in the mail but a simply hand written note on a beautiful card just makes my day! Thanks!
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