I love color, especially summer colors. I don't always have the bravery to wear them but I certainly plan on doing it. There are two colors that I will always gravitate towards and they are turquoise and coral (or is it coral and turquoise?). They are tropical, fun, sophisticated and always easy to wear back to white. They make me think of Palm Beach and Capri and great vintage enameled jewelry. I read almost every magazine and I'm not a fashion diva by any means but I do get excited when I see a spread that speaks to me. OK, let me clarify- there is no spiritual "speaking" going on- I mean it's only clothes and it's not life changing- just inspirational. So, I scanned this great InStyle spread from the June issue because they choose my favorite summer colors so I just had to get all fashioney and talk about them. And, what's really uncanny, is I just received a new delivery of our extremely popular Matta dupatta scarves in (and I kid you not) white, turquouse and coral. Weird, huh? OK, maybe there is something spiritual happening? OK, maybe not. So, I had fun putting together a collage of what I have in store at www.orangeandpear.com in turquoise and coral (and in coral and turquoise). I guess I've been so inspired! Yes, I know, some of my items are orange and not really coral but I really love them all together- they are just shades of coral, right? Just . . . work with me here.

1st row (l to r): Hable Construction photo album, Matta coral scarf, John Derian winged insect
2nd row: Helene Batoff leather orange frame, Sukie notebook, MZ Wallace "Olivia" bag
3rd row: Marianella soap, Mad Imports tophandle clutch, Matta turquoise scarf
Free shipping over $75.00 and 20% off to my loverly blog readers, using code: coralturq, now through May 22nd. Thanks!
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