Despite all the bad news coming out of the radio and into my email inbox on a daily basis, I'm determined to find the "silver lining." I know the economy stinks and it's still really cold (at least where I live) and that darn Groundhog saw his shadow and I've been sick for almost 2 weeks (hence the reduction of blog entries) but there are still fun things to talk about.
We need beautiful things in our lives.
We need to give gifts to our friends to celebrate their birthday, their wedding and to thank them for cleaning their house and slaving over the stove so that we can have a relaxing dinner- there is still a need! And I'm going to try to make it fun and little less expensive.
In March, since I'm half Irish and St. Patricks Day is around the corner, I'm going to post "color" articles. Now, who doesn't love a rainbow or a pot of gold for that matter (especially now that it hit $1000 an ounce, right)? So, each week or a few times a week, I'll post an article about a color and in each posting there will be a deal on one item, a category of items or a gift with purchase- who knows? Let's call it the "squeeze of the week" - you know the orange thing in Orange and Pear, you squeeze oranges- get it? Anyway, you'll have to check it out. I might even throw in some other offers (such as free shipping over $40.00, enter freeship at checkout). You might have to do a little reading but that never hurt anybody, right? Kind of fun? We'll see.
Let's talk about a "silver lining" around those clouds. I love silver. I love gold- hey anything metallic makes me happy (of course in moderation). But today, I'm jazzed about silver. I've selected a few of my favorite silver items that are just too beautiful not to share. They make chic, easy gifts for your friends or to update your surroundings. Check it out and don't forget to look for the "squeeze" of the week.
Other fun silver facts to impress your friends-
- Andy Warhol dyed his hair silver numerous times
- In English heraldy, silver denotes purity, innocence and virtue
- Everyone knows the phrase "he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth" meaning that he was born into money. In 1988, at the Democratic National Convention, Ann Richards, then the Texas state Treasurer (and later the 2nd female governor or Texas) changed the phrase a bit saying "Poor George, he can't help it- he was born with a silver foot in his mouth!"
- Silver was added to the Crayola box between 1949-1957
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