I took the kids to the mall last weekend which I never do since I'm really not a fan of malls and let me tell you, it was like the kids just entered the Taj Mahal! They were in awe. My oldest daughter said, "It must have taken them years to build this place." And my youngest daughter could have just gone up and down the escalator for hours. We were their to find some so cute (non traditional outfits for our Christmas photo) and spent some time in Zara- they have the most adorable kids department. I found so many cute things and wish I had more time to shop for myself which is nearly impossible with kids. So, I just went online and they have a great website (where have I been?) and I just put together some of my favorite items! Check it out: http://www.zara.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/home/us/en/zara-us-W2011