Yes, we bribe at our house. It's a hard habit to break. But it works and when you are a working parent (or any parent)- you'll use any trick in the book! For as long as I can remember (which isn't that long), when I must make a trip to Starbucks, my little followers get something too. A bribe, maybe? Sharing in the oh-so-necessary afternoon latte jolt of sugar and caffeine- perhaps. For a while, the "bribe" was the Horizon Vanilla or Chocolate milks until we discovered these little beauties- cake pops! Genius! They are not too large, not too messy, and just the perfect little bribe to get a child to wait in line at Starbucks. My kids gave them 5 stars and just kept saying how yummy they were. I'm not too keen on the espresso bean for a 5 or 7 year old so I recommend removing that dangerous garnish but the other too are perfect! My 5 year old had the pink and my 7 year old had the nutty, marshmallow one and they were in heaven! Thanks Starbucks! And I just read that Starbucks is giving 1 million to Japan relief! Pretty awesome.
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